Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fanfic: Justice League Generations Trilogy

       The Avengers will be out in about a month, and all DC can do is churn out a Batman trilogy, an upcoming Superman reboot, and a mediocre Green Lantern film. Where have they been? Why no Justice League? Below is a concept for what I think would be a cool  Justice League film trilogy.

        1. Justice League-The film serves as a World War II period piece (ala Captain America) and features an up and coming Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hawkman, and the Jay Garrick and Alan Scott Flash and Green Lantern. They come together when Superman and Batman learn that Lex Luthor is gathering a legion of powerful super villains (Metallo, Joker, Cheetah, Icicle, Mirror Master, Black Manta, and Shadow Thief) to ally themselves with the Nazis in order to take down the world's superheroes and pool resources to create superhuman Nazi soldiers.

        2. Justice League Ascending-Set in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War, this film explains that after WWII, the government tried to draft the Justice League into their service. Wonder Woman and Aquaman returned to their kingdoms, Superman allied with the government, Batman operated out of Gotham illegally and took on Robin/Nightwing as his ward, Hawkman retired and started a family before dying, Flash died, and Green Lantern went on to co-found Ferris Air, with Hal Jordan as the top test pilot. Lex Luthor has become the U.S. President, and tries to either force the golden age heroes out of retirement or create new versions of them. Barry Allen tries to recreate the experiment that made Jay Garrick the Flash and becomes the Flash himself. Hal Jordan is given Alan Scott's ring and becomes the new Green Lantern. Hawkman's half human half Thanagarian daughter, Shayera, grows wings and wishes to take up her father's mantle as Hawkgirl. Meanwhile, Lex sends out a probe that winds up on Mars, where it activates the dormant Brainiac, a living machine that ravages worlds in its quest for knowledge and energy. J'onn J'onnz, the last Martian, forced Brainiac into dormancy after he had wiped out his entire race thousands of years ago. With Brainiac back online and heading for Earth, J'onn reawakens and heads to Earth to intercept him. J'onn sends out a psychic signal that gathers Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hawkgirl, and the new Green Lantern and Flash together to fight Brainiac and his army of techno-organic warriors before they destroy the Earth.

        3. Justice League Apocalypse-Set in the present day, the film follows the unaging Superman, Wonder Woman, J'onn, Hawkwoman, and Aquaman  as they oversee the next generation of the Justice League. Barry Allen and Hal Jordan have passed their personas on to Wally West and Kyle Rayner, respectively. Batman has died, but not before marrying Catwoman and fostering a daughter, Helena, now the Huntress. She fights crime alongside the new Batman, Dick Grayson, the former Robin. New heroes include Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Cyborg. This new incarnation of the League must fight to save the entire universe from destruction at the hands of Darkseid, the tyrant from Apocalypse who seeks the annihilation of all life.

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