Monday, January 14, 2013

Fanfic: Justice League

            Last year DC announced they were finally moving forward with a Justice League movie. Their aim was for 2015, the same year Avengers 2 launches. Now I may be a cynical nerd, but it's obvious that DC is only pushing JL to compete with Avengers. Many fans believe the world's greatest heroes deserve solo films before leading up to JL. Then again, Batman already has a trilogy, the Green Lantern movie tanked, and Superman is getting a new film this year that may lead into the film anyway. Maybe it's best for DC to use JL to intro their other heroes, then give them spin-offs depending on their popularity. It's a long shot, and a lot of variables can go wrong, but it could work with the right story. So after a fair bit of thought, I came up with what I believe to be my ideal Justice League film.

          The film would begin with a newscast spotlighting the various heroes of Earth. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Aquaman are the only public heroes, and have been met with reactions ranging from awe and wonder (Supes, WW, Flash) to mistrust, ridicule and outright hostility (Batman, GL, Aquaman).

          We then cut to STAR labs in Central City, and meet Barry Allan and Wally West. We learn they got their speed powers from an accident involving a lightning storm and a particle accelerator. Barry is the Flash, and Wally desperately wants to help him but Barry refuses, confining him to lab work. They are a light hearted uncle and nephew and love cracking jokes at each other. A portal opens up and alien Parademons pour out. Barry suits up and he and Wally fight the aliens. When the lab is compromised Barry orders Wally to go to his aunt Iris's house while he gets help.

           Barry races to Coast City and Ferris Air, where he meets with his best friend Hal Jordan to discuss the Parademons. Hal is featured as a brazen and cocky hero who thinks his ring gives him the power and authority to do whatever he wants, although he generally trusts Barry. Another portal opens and the Parademons storm Ferris Air and begin wreaking havoc in Coast City. Jordan becomes GL and he and Flash fight, but eventually are forced to retreat when the Parademons seize the city. Jordan is devastated, even more so when his ring won't tell him what the creatures are. GL and Flash decide that they must go to the other heroes to defeat the aliens.

           We then get a montage of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman dealing with Parademons in their respective cities, with cameos from Lois Lane, Steve Trevor, Commissioner Gordon and Alfred. When Batman returns to the Cave, he finds Supes and WW waiting for him. While Bats distrusts other heroes due to their powers, he has worked with Supes and WW in the past and decided to tell them who he is. Bats also mentions his sidekick Robin has left his employ to pursue a career in Bludhaven, so right now he's back to being a solo hero. While he doesn't want to go back to being part of team, Batman admits that the alien situation requires a response from the world's metahumans and agrees to an alliance.

          GL and Flash find the cave when GL uses his ring to hone in on Superman's location, since he's an alien presence. GL says the ring is detecting another alien in the cave other than Supes. Detective John Jones of the Gotham PD steps out of the shadows (he was introduced earlier working with Gordon) and reveals himself as J'onn J'onnz, the last Martian. J'onn knows something about the aliens, but before he says anything Batman says they should relocate to somewhere more remote in case the aliens compromise the cave. Superman suggests his Fortress of Solitude. WW leaves to try and recruit Aquaman, since Themyscira has a relationship with Atlantis, and she agrees to meet with the others at the Fortress. En route to the Fortress, however, the government intercepts the heroes, thinking they're working with the aliens, and captures J'onn.

         GL, still reeling from abandoning Coast City and his girlfriend Carol, thinks rescuing J'onn is a waste of time and they should focus on taking back the cities. He claims that as the GL of Sector 2814 he has the highest authority during an extraterrestrial crisis. Batman yells at him about how his powers make him reckless and that rescuing J'onn could be the key to defeating the aliens, but Hal spits back at Batman why he should take orders from a man with no powers and the two start fighting. Superman and Flash get in between the two, causing Bats to turn on Supes and GL to turn on Flash. Bats wips out a kryptonite ring Supes gave him and starts wailing on him while GL throws constructs at Flash. Eventually the two talk Bats and GL down, with Flash using his friendship with GL and Supes helping Bats understand the importance of teamwork and trusting others, despite Robin leaving him. The four decide to rescue J'onn.

         Meanwhile WW travels to Atlantis in her jet (a gift from Steve Trevor upgraded by the Amazons with submarine and cloaking capabilities). As the ambassador of the Amazons, she is granted an audience with Aquaman, king of Atlantis. Aquaman, who demands to be called King Arthur, shoots down Diana's offer to join the other heroes on the surface. He claims the surface world hates him and that it's best he focus on being a king to his people. To further emphasize this, he shows Diana his left hand, cut off in a battle with surface pirates and replaced with a hand made of hard water. Diana tries to make Arthur understand that he has an obligation to help make the surface world a better place, just as she wanted to do when she left her island with Trevor. Arthur still refuses, saying unless the aliens attack Atlantis it's not his problem.

         Supes, Bats, GL and Flash break into the government facility holding J'onn and free him, at the cost of ruining their reputation as heroes to the public. They reunite with WW at the Fortress, which Flash is in awe of (Bats and WW have been there before, and GL and J'onn are familiar with alien architecture). J'onn links them all telepathically and we move to a flashback. The parademons serve Darkseid, the ruler of the planet Apokalips. Thousands of years ago, Darkseid sought to conquer the universe and began raiding planets. Apokalips' sister planet, the peaceful New Genesis, teamed with the GL Corps and stopped Darkseid after his parademons wiped out the Martian civilization, leaving J'onn the last of his race.

        The entire planet Apokalips was imprisoned in the Anti-Matter dimension, where Darkseid quickly conquered it while waiting to break out into our universe. The Guardians covered up this war to all future Lanterns, which is why Hal's ring couldn't decipher who the aliens were. J'onn tells them that the parademons are systematically attacking cities to set up portals, called Boom Tubes, that will move Apokalips into Earth space, destroying the Earth in the process. J'onn went into a dormant state following his race's extinction, but after sensing that the rift between the two dimensions was growing weaker, he left for Earth, taking on the John Jones identity in Gotham to help humanity should Darkseid emerge.

        The heroes travel to Metropolis, where Darkseid himself comes out of a Boom Tube to oversee Apokalip's transfer to our dimension. A wave of parademons descend on the city, but Aquaman arrives to help turn the tide, having decided to aid the surface world. When GL makes fun of Aquaman's powers, he summons an army of sharks and a giant squid to cripple Darkseid's fleet from the coast, and uses his water hand to create water bursts and summon a trident out of hard water to fight. Back in Central City, Wally witnesses the battle on TV and races off to help his uncle. He arrives in Metropolis, and Barry reluctantly allows him to fight. Darkseid witnesses the eight heroes crippling his army and descends to battle them personally. He decimates the heroes, bringing them all to their knees.

        After crippling the heroes, Darkseid returns to the Boom Tube and retrieves an Apokaliptian device, one that when activated will enlarge the Boom Tube to envelope the entire planet, destroying it so Apokalips can materialize in its place. Batman realizes they need to take out that device and formulates a strategy to do so. J'onn will telepathically scramble Darkseid's mind while Supes, WW, Aquaman and GL gain up on him. The Flashes will retrieve the device and work with Batman to disarm it before it activates and destroys the planet. The plan goes smoothly until they realize that the device cannot be deactivated. Batman comes up with a back-up plan: reverse the flow of the Boom Tube so Darkseid and the device are sucked into it before the device goes off. In order to do this, the Boom Tube needs to have its vibrational frequency reversed, something only a speedster could do without advanced equipment.

         Wally volunteers, but before he can do anything Barry takes off. Darkseid disables J'onn, allowing him to gain the upper hand over WW, GL and Aquaman until he's engaged in a one-on-one fight with Superman. Barry runs around the world a couple of times and approaches light speed, and is surprised to find Wally running almost as fast in an attempt to catch up with him. Barry tells Wally he can't run that fast, but dares him to try and says "Tag, you're it." Converting into pure energy, Barry hits Darkseid with a powerful concussive force and knocks the tyrant to his knees. Barry then reverses the vibration of his molecules and merges with the Boom Tube, reversing its polarity and causing it to suck in anything in its path. The device, the parademons, and finally Darkseid are sucked into the portal, with Darkseid warning that he will return. The Boom Tube becomes unstable and collapses.

          The heroes emerge victorious, but Wally is in a state of shock at Barry's sacrifice. After seeing the heroes in action, the public comes to wildly embrace them. When faced with the press, Wally decides to stand in for his uncle when he finds his Flash costume, and becomes the new Flash. Superman speaks on behalf of the heroes and declares their intent to react against any threat too big for one hero to face alone. He names them the Justice League. All the heroes secretly mourn Barry's loss and his true heroism, but also embrace Wally as the new Flash. They put aside their differences and absolve to remain a team. Batman has Wayne Enterprises' aeronautics division fund a space station to act as the League's base, and names it the Watchtower. The film ends with the heroes looking down on Earth, before rushing into battle when the satellite picks up a giant alien starfish-like creature attacking the planet.

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