Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Long Wait is Over

Greetings everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? By my count, almost a year and a half. For those of you who’ve kindly followed my incessant ramblings on films and comic books over the past few years, let me assure you that I am alive and well. I’ve been living these past few months happily in the year 1885. No, wait, I won’t go there. You deserve better than Back to the Future memes. 

To put it bluntly, I’ve been busy. Is it cliché to say that life caught up with me? And yet in this case, it most certainly did. I was approaching the end of my senior year of college, balancing schoolwork, relationships, and all that fun stuff, when I made the decision to stop blogging for a while. At least until after graduation.

I will say, though, that if I did have access to a Flux Capacitor, I’d roundly kick past me in the face for waiting this long to blog again. So many interesting stories happened in the nerd world during my absence, and I wasn’t there to comment on any of them. I sincerely wish I did, but this messy thing called “reality” took precedence for a lot longer than I hoped.

But I’m writing now simply to tell you that I’m back. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to update, but my goal right now is to put out at least one to two blogs a week. Sometimes even more, if I’m reviewing a series. I’ll start with more recent topics, and then plan on going back to talk about some of the stuff I missed in 2015 that I wish I covered. Surprisingly, a lot of the stuff I hoped to talk about is just as relevant now as it was back then.

Of course for any new readers seeing this, you’re probably wondering what the frak I’m talking about. This little blog here is “Bahnt’s Rants,” where I, Bahnt Freiberger, rant about the nerdier things in life in an extremely eloquent fashion. And by the nerdier things, I mean geeky films, TV shows, and comic books. Reviews are my forte, but you’ll find this blog peppered with a healthy dose of news commentary, opinion pieces, and speculation on upcoming projects, which sometimes come off as overly long fan fiction. No, not THAT kind of fan fiction. I do have some standards. 

Since I started this blog back in March 2012, I’ve mostly used it as a way to vent my feelings towards certain films and comment on Hollywood trends. My past writings tended to get a bit wordy, I admit. Mostly because I have a lot to say. Now that I’m making a conscious effort to write again, I will adjust my style so not every rant becomes a novel. There’ll be experiments, for sure, and I want to stress that all you’re getting here is a passionate opinion from a guy who lives and breathes this stuff. I am no industry insider; I merely react and comment on what I see. But if any of you are into movies, particularly of the superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy variety like I am, then you’ll find something to like here.

So, enough Fluxxing around; there are no roads where we’re going. Sorry, had to say it. 

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