Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Consider the Shared Universe Part II: X-Men/Fantastic Four

Marvel may be the current king of shared universes, but competition is coming. Whether that competition has a real chance is something I hope to find out. In Part Two of my oddyssey through the shared universe concept, I'm taking a look at the Marvel properties owned by 20th Century Fox. That being the X-Men and Fantastic Four. While right now it's unknown whether or not the upcoming F4 reboot will even be successful, and if it will cross over with the X-Men should that happen, I'm going to act as if it's part of this universe Fox is developing. The reason? Fox knows it'll gain more in the long run if they take advantage of all the superheroes they have. So let's get theorizing, shall we?

The Story So Far: In regards to what's canon with this universe, it's a little complicated. As of this writing there have been seven X films released (five core films and two Wolverine spin-offs). Because of Days of Future Past, the events of the original X trilogy and both Wolverine movies have been retconned out of existence, in favor of a new timeline (think Back to the Future II or the 2009 Star Trek reboot). So technically, only two X films (First Class and Days of Future Past) are canon going forward.

However, we have one main X film and three more spin-offs in active development. In addition, should the F4 reboot take place in this new timeline, that also counts, as does the sequel that currently has a release date. There's also an "untitled Fox superhero film" scheduled for 2018. For those keeping track, that's 2 films so far with 4 X films, 2 F4 films, and one mystery film coming. Also, the two previous F4 movies and the Daredevil and Elektra films have no bearing on this timeline. Make sense? Doesn't matter, moving on. 


The Fantastic Four (August 7, 2015)- So let's assume I'm right, and the new F4 film is set in the same universe as the rectonned X-Men films. Obviously the X films are period pieces, while F4 is modern day. Here's my basic plan for making this work, assuming Fox is serious about making a shared universe out of X-Men and the F4. And yes, I know they've said that for the time being they're "separate universes", but I don't really buy that. As long as they have F4, Fox will try and tie them into their more successful property. But in accordance with what I've said before, a film must work on its own before tying into a larger universe. 

Whether standalone or part of a universe, this film has an uphill battle. Between the controversy surrounding the plot, casting and character changes, many fans have written this off as a flop. Granted, every previous attempt to bring the F4 to life has failed (creatively at least). But let's see what we definitely know. The new film is set in modern day and is partially based on the Ultimate comics. We also know Doctor Doom and Mole Man are the villains, and that Doom is an anti-social blogger named Victor Domashev. We also know the Storms are African American, and Susan Storm was adopted into the family, thus making her and Johnny foster siblings. Aside from that, we know next to nothing. 

Okay, let's start theorizing. If this is based on the Ultimates run, then it makes sense for the team's powers to come from experimenting with a portal to the Negative Zone dimension. This would also allow an origin different enough from the first 2 films to not be considered a total retread (cough Amazing Spider-Man cough). Domashev may be a blogger, but he could still be a member of the Latverian royal family who's really good with tech and wants to inspire a revolution through social media. 

Domashev, Mole Man, and our four heroes all work at the Baxter Building think tank under Dr. Storm, trying to open the N-Zone portal. Doom tampers with the project, wanting to use it to his own ends. Everyone is teleported through the N-Zone and emerges with powers, the result of exposure to extradimensional energy. The Four are quarantined, while Doom returns to Latveria and uses his emerging powers (let's say he can control technology at will) to become its ruler. 

He creates an army of Doombots, and with asistance from Mole Man, attacks the F4 to get his hands on the portal tech. Doom hopes to expand his empire to envelope the entire world by reopening the portal, saying he glimpsed creatures on the other side. The Four embrace their powers and defeat Doom, who's sucked into the portal. Throughout the film, the Four are seen as freaks and associated with mutants, before earning the public's respect by defeating Doom. An end credits scene will reveal the X-Men exist, and timeline wise this takes place closer to the future segment at the end of Future Past. 

Deadpool (February 12, 2016)- Well here's a film we definitely know will be a part of the X-Men universe! Deadpool's finally getting a proper film treatment. We know this because Ryan Reynolds is coming back, the script's been online for years, and it's been confirmed to redo his origin (since Origins Wolverine has been retconned). Assuming that same script or a variation of it will be the story, we'll see Deadpool flashback to his beginnings with the Weapon X project before battling a team of mutant mercenaries. 

Honestly, the plot could be about anything. I don't want to theorize too much, and only predict that the film will be aboslutely insane. The leaked test footage that got the film greenlit can pretty much attest to that. Here's what I will predict: the film will end with Deadpool being recruited by Cable to join X-Force. It'd also be pretty cool, keeping with DP's metahumor, to have him comment on the pressure of being in a shared universe before this team-up happens. Sort of a self-aware parody of the Nick Fury scene from Iron Man. In terms of tone, Deadpool needs to be zany and over-the-top. With superheroes the leading Hollywood genre, this is the perfect film to satirize the whole thing. Make it happen, Fox. 

X-Men: Apocalypse (May 27, 2016)- This film will be insane. Bryan Singer is returning to direct, with Oscar Isaac the titular villain, in a film set in the '80s that will end the First Class trilogy in destructive style. We know Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Beast, and Quicksilver are coming back. Wolverine will most likely join them, if that Future Past cliffhanger is anything to go by. We also have a short list of actors for younger versions of Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm, meaning they're definitely in. Now here's some serious speculation. I think Angel and Nightcrawler will be in the film as well, and Singer's just keeping things quiet. Nightcrawler will be a teen, and it'll be revealed Mystique and Azazel are his parents. Angel will be recruited alongside Scott, Jean, and Storm. 

So we now have Xavier leading a team of X-Men that includes Beast, Scott, Storm, Jean, Angel, Quicksilver, and Nightcrawler. Mystique has Logan in custody and is currently running the Weapon X program under the guise of Stryker. Magneto's off on his own, doing Magneto things. Apocalypse, an ancient mutant Pharoah, awakens after sensing the timeline disruption from Future Past. He uses the Weapon X program and Mystique as pawns to create his new Four Horseman. Logan is one of them, with his transformation being the new timeline's explanation for his adamantium. Angel will also be captured and turned into Death, complete with blue skin and metal wings. Magneto and Jean can be the other two, with Jean slowly turning into her Dark Phoenix persona (Singer never got to properly do that arc, so here's his chance.)

Mystique goes back to Charles, allowing her to reconnect with Beast and get to know the son she abandoned. Scott, in love with Jean, is dead set on getting her back. Redemption and fighting off your inner demons will be the running theme. By film's end, all of Apocalypse's Horsemen will be freed, and help the X-Men defeat the evil mutant. He will be believed dead, and everyone will be together in the X-Mansion. At film's end, we learn this was all being told to Logan by Xavier after he woke up at the end of Future Past. In a credits scene, we learn that Apocalypse was only defeated but not destroyed. He returns again, determined to get back at the X-Men and take over the world. 

Gambit (October 7, 2016)- If I ever needed proof that Fox wants a shared X-Men universe, it's this. Deadpool and Apocalypse were a long time coming, but I never thought the Rajun Cajun would earn his own film. Then again, Gambit is one of the more popular X-Men, with a backstory perfect for film. Plus, like DP, Fox has the benefit of ignoring the previous version from Origins. All we know about this film is the release date and that Channing Tatum is playing Remy Labeau. That doesn't leave a lot to work with in terms of where this can go plotwise. But here's what I'm thinking. 

We'll follow Gambit growing up as a thief in New Orleans, learning of his mutant power to infuse objects with kinetic energy to make them explode. Mr. Sinister is the main villain, who approaches Gambit to join a team called the Marauders. Gambit is tricked into wiping out a race of subteranean mutants called the Morlocks, who he once lived with. Feeling immense guilt, Gambit turns against the Marauders and Sinister. By film's end, we learn Sinister is working for Apocalypse, who wanted the Morlocks extinguished as part of his plans to rid the world of weakness. Gambit is approached by Cable and Deadpool, to join their X-Force team with the sole purpose of destroying Sinister and Apocalypse. 

Wolverine 3 (March 3, 2017)- Aside from the return of Hugh Jackman (duh) and a release date, nothing is known about this film. However, I keep hearing "Old Man Logan" come up when talking of Wolverine comics to adapt, and this seems like a perfect time to do so. The only problem is a proper "Old Man Logan" film would be set in the MCU, with Red Skull, the Venom symbiote, Hawkeye, and the Hulk all huge players. Obviously things will have to change, but my proposal keeps to the basic story. 

Instead of a future where all the Marvel supervillains teamed up and won, this is a future inspired by the '90s "Age of Apocalypse" arc. After Days of Future Past, Apocalypse returns and attacks. The X-Men are killed, the Mansion is destroyed, and Apocalypse rules North America. Through Sinister and the Marauders, he has gathered an army of mutant followers. The more powerful mutants divide the country amongst themselves. Sabretooth, Logan's brother (the opening of Origins wasn't retconned) controls California, where Logan lives a quiet life with his family. He hasn't popped the claws in years. There should be a very post-apocalyptic/western feel to this, like if Logan was Clint Eastwood's character from Unforgiven dropped into the world of Mad Max. 

Victor's children (inspired by X-23 and Daken) come to collect Logan's rent and threaten to kill his family if he doesn't pay. Logan promises to get the money before the end of the month. A blind Gambit offers Logan money if he helps him travel the country and get to D.C., the seat of Apocalypse's power. After encountering various obstacles, they reach D.C. only to find Apocalypse set a trap. Gambit is killed, while Logan is tortured and injected with a techno-organic virus that converts his arm into a living metal. Apocalypse hopes to reaquire Logan as one of his Four Horseman. 

Logan escapes and flees D.C., only to find his family dead when he returns. Popping the claws for the first time in years, Logan kills X-23 and Daken before entering a final duel with Sabretooth. He kills his brother, before setting out on his own. Logan is contacted by a group of mutants resisting Apocalypse, who have been alerted to his actions in D.C. They are led by Bishop, Psylocke, and Blink, whose powers have been amplified so she can open portals through time. Desperate to escape this hellish future, Logan decides to form X-Force and prevent the Age of Apocalypse. With the virus threatening to consume his entire body, Logan takes the name Cable. I'm basically adapting Ultimate Cable, since I know Fox will want to keep Jackman involved as the series' poster boy. Cable will then go back in time to recruit Deadpool and Gambit, tying back into both of their films.

Fantastic Four 2 (June 2, 2017)- So let's once again assume a) that the first F4 film will be successful and b) that Fox does want an X-Men crossover. In this film, we find the Four opening another N-Zone portal and exploring the dimension using the Fantasticar. They find a still alive Doom, who has teamed with Annhialus, the ruler of the N-Zone. Doom and Annhialus escape into our world with the intention of ruling it, and the Four have to stop them. A credits scene has Logan/Cable's X-Force (Psylocke, Bishop, Blink, Gambit, and Deadpool) reach out to the F4, asking for their help against the second coming of Apocalypse. 

Untitled Fox Superhero Film (July 13, 2018)- We know nothing about this film, other than it's a superhero film from Fox scheduled for 2018. It could very well be X-Force, since that film was under development a year ago. The problem is, all talk of X-Force ceased when its screenwriter, Jeff Wadlow, made a film called Kick-Ass 2 that tanked at the box office. Point being, I don't think this film is getting made. However, I liked the X-Force concept enough to include them as the SHIELD-like glue that holds this universe together. 

My personal theory for this film? It's a massive crossover, where the X-Men, X-Force, and Fantastic Four team up to prevent the Age of Apocalypse from happening. This'll have Bryan Singer directing, and be one last hurrah for the old cast of X-Men (Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, etc. etc.) Future Past could've been that if not for the retconned ending with all of them alive. In terms of how this plays out, I'd just like it to end with Apocalypse finally destroyed and the Age of Apocalypse/Old Man Logan timeline retconned away. But we don't see the new future that came about, just Cable, Bishop, Blink, and Psylocke fading from existence.

Logan could even die here, so Hugh Jackman can end his esteemed career as Wolverine on a high note. So what of the future? Well, you could eventually bring Wolvie back as a Weapon X clone and recast him. In the meantime, focus on the other X-Men and keep the continuity going, but just recast. Use future tech to justify more comic book elements. Go to space and introduce the Shi'ar (Fox'll need to compete with Marvel and DC's cosmic stuff). Maybe do variations of the "House of M" or "Phalanx" arcs. Take advantage of the F4 characters. Make Doom a huge global threat. Re-introduce Silver Surfer and Galactus (consult the Ultimate Galactus trilogy). Make Onslaught a new overarching villain. Get the rights to Namor back from Universal and make him a giant baddie, given he's Marvel's first (published) mutant and has history with the F4. Between the two properties, the possibilities are endless. 

Can It Work? As I've just gotten through saying, there's a lot of potential here for a "second MCU" based just on the F4 and X-Men. Hell, if F4 bombs and goes back to Marvel, the X-Men alone have enough characters and stories to create a shared universe. While it would be great to see both of these properties back at Marvel, Fox's recent successes with First Class, The Wolverine, and Days of Future Past show they can at least handle the X-Men properly. F4 is another story, and its success or failure may determine whether a shared universe with both teams is possible. But there are definitely enough characters to expand the universe, and they all have interesting stories that mix in different genres and flavors to prevent things from becoming stagnant. Basically, I can see it happening. 

At the very least, Fox needs to keep making quality X films, and make sure they maintain a consistent continuity now that their timeline's straightened out. A shared X-Men universe is definitely a possibly. A shared X-Men/F4 universe less so, but it could still happen depending on the reboot's quality. The potential for awesome films would be even greater in that scenario, but it's hard to say since the F4 film hasn't dropped yet. We've only begun to see what an expanded X-Men film universe can offer us. Come 2016, we'll know for sure. As long as Fox keeps up the good work with their X films, they could have a superhero universe to rival Marvel's. And, should they get their act together, DC's. That will be the subject of tomorrow's entry, where we see whether bringing the Justice League to our screens is really possible. 

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