Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Consider the Shared Universe Part I: Marvel

Since my "sabbatical" from blogging, I've missed out on a lot of nerd news. Yes, I sound like a broken record at this point for doing this pretty much every semester. No, I don't care, because college is demanding. But now I have a chance to talk about all this news, and it's actually still relevant since it pertains to all the films I'm hyping up this year. I've written extensively on this blog about the shared universe trend that has hit Hollywood. Since most of it comes off as reacting to Internet news with fanfic, it's also pretty repetitive. So you'll forgive me if what I'm about to propose sounds pretty similar.

I've decided that if the "shared universe" is going to be a permanent fixture in Hollywood for the immediate future, some ground rules need to be laid. Therefore, I'm taking a look at the various shared universes Hollywood is developing. I will incorporate some fanfic-y elements by predicting how these shared universes could conceivably work. I will then provide commentary on whether or not they WILL work, given the history of these franchises and the intent behind them. Since I've already devoted a series to dissecting the effectiveness of trilogies, I figured a shared universe series is the next step. Hopefully the intention behind this will make it different from my past dissections of the shared universe. At any rate, I feel like the flood of information we've gotten these past few months makes such a series ideal. So let us begin with the franchise that started this trend-Marvel.

The Story So Far: Marvel has released ten films as of this writing, along with five short films and two TV series. In development are eleven more films and five Netflix shows, all of which are expected to expand the universe in new and exciting ways.


Agent Carter- Marvel's latest show is set just after Captain America: The First Avenger, following SSR Agent Peggy Carter as she navigates a sexist post-WWII environment and helps form SHIELD. The show only has two episodes released so far (expect my review when the series is completed). From what I've seen, the show will tease who Peggy ultimately marries, solidify her relationship with Howard Stark, and possibly introduce a young Hank Pym to help set up this year's Ant-Man. Anton Vanko is also involved, so the show might explain how Vanko is caught by Howard and banished, setting up Iron Man 2. The human Jarvis is also involved, which may factor into Howard and Tony's motivations for basing an A.I. off of him (important as the A.I. Jarvis becomes Vision in Age of Ultron). 

Agents of SHIELD- The first half of season 2 has seen a huge burst in quality, including Peggy Carter in flashbacks and a continuing battle with HYDRA. We've learned that Skye is really Daisy Johnson, aka Quake, her father is Calvin Zebo aka Mr. Hyde, and that her mother was an Inhuman. Yes, we've introduced the Inhuman mythology, as well as name dropped the Kree from Guardians. Aside from interviews stating the season will eventually tie into (and maybe set up) Ultron, the long game may be to further the cosmic Kree mythology of Guardians and 2018's Inhumans. Depending on the show's longevity, we could see the characters continue either in the films (Civil War anybody?) or the Netflix shows. Speaking of which...

Netflix Defenders (Daredevil, AKA Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist)- We know Daredevil is hitting this April, and the other shows are coming sometime thereafter. Daredevil is Charlie Cox, Kingpin is Vincent D'Onofrio, Jess Jones is Krysten Ritter, and Luke Cage is Mike Colter. Iron Fist has yet to be cast. In terms of how this will play out, I see each show obviously going through the origins of each hero before they team up as the Defenders. Daredevil and Jones got their powers from the same toxic waste incident. Jones marries Cage. Cage and Iron Fist become best friends. These connections are enough for the characters to all team up, possibly against Kingpin. Should they ever make it to the films, I could see them participating in Captain America: Civil War as part of Cap's resistance. If that doesn't pan out, they should at least show up for Infinity War. 

Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1, 2015)- We've had two trailers released thus far for Joss Whedon's comic book epic. Based on what we've seen and what I've gathered from interviews, plus the broad strokes of Phase Three from the announced film slate, here's my basic plot prediction. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner create Ultron by combining the Iron Legion tech, a dormant A.I. created by Howard Stark and Hank Pym, and salvaged Chitauri tech. 

Ultron goes rogue, eventually upgrades himself with Vibranium from Wakanda. This introduces Ullysses Klaw (Andy Serkis, from the trailers) and Black Panther (he would cameo to set up his role in Civil War). The Twins will help set up the Inhumans instead of being mutants, while JARVIS becomes Vision. By film's end, Thor will return to Asgard, Hulk will either be shot into space or wander the Earth (following the Hulkbuster fight), and the remainder of the team will be divided depending on whether they follow Cap or Tony. The Superhuman Registration Act is proposed. 

Ant-Man (July 17, 2015)- We know from the trailer and Entertainment Weekly feature that Hank Pym will recruit Scott Lang, fresh out of prison, to steal his former protege Daren Cross's Yellowjacket suit. Hank and the late Janet/Wasp's daughter Hope will assist. I'm thinking Cold War flashbacks will show Hank and Janet as the original Avengers, and will reveal Hank's role in helping Howard invent the prototype Ultron A.I. Hope will eventually become the new Wasp. By film's end, Tony will recruit Hank, Scott, and Hope into a new, government sponsored Avengers team to help back the SRA. 

Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)- I'm entering uncharted territory here since Phase Two hasn't ended yet, but here's my prediction based on the comics arc and what we do know. Cap, Falcon, Sharon Carter, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the Twins will be the anti-Reg team, possibly with assistance from Bucky, the Defenders (or at least Daredevil) and Coulson's SHIELD team. Tony and Pym will lead the pro-Reg team, with War Machine, Vision, Ant-Man, Wasp, and Black Panther in the roster. As I've said, Hulk and Thor aren't involved. 

Pym may be an advisor, or may use Cross's Yellowjacket tech, or maybe even invent the Giant-Man formula. Considering the Sony Hack reveal that Spider-Man might be involved, I'm guessing if they do manage to sneak him in, he'd be a rookie influenced by Tony to join the pro-Reg team. I'll offer more thoughts on that later in the series, but it'd be great to see Tony and Pym present Peter with the Iron Spider suit. Eventually Black Panther and Vision (and Peter if there) will switch sides. Cap will surrender to Tony after a lengthy battle. The entire SRA is revealed to be a plot by HYDRA, set up by either Baron Zemo or a ressurected Red Skull. On orders, Crossbones shoots Cap. With Cap believed dead, Bucky takes up the mantle. 

Doctor Strange (November 4, 2016)- Benedict Cumberbatch plays the Sorcerer Supreme (!!!) in Marvel's first foray into fantasy. I expect the origin, either as the main arc or in flashbacks. Given Strange's jurisdiction, if he's already established during the Civil War, he'll be neutral (like in the comics). I'd have him fighting Baron Mordo, who's trying to retrieve the Eye of Agomotto for his master Dormannu. The Eye is revealed to be an Infinity Stone, either the Soul or Time Gem. Strange will end up fighting Mordo and Dormannu in the finale and keeping the Stone safe. 

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (May 5, 2017)- The Guardians may have only had a limited comics run, but given the films are using them to showcase Marvel's cosmic lore, the story could be anything. I'd like the true identity of Star-Lord's father to be adressed, since it sure as hell aint J'Son, Emperor of Spartoi. Starfox (Thanos's brother), Starhawk (a quantum energy being and original Guardians comic member) or Adam Warlock/Magus seem like ideal candidates. 

My personal prediction: Magus (Warlock's evil self) leads the Universal Church of Truth in an attack on the cosmos. Thanos has lent Nebula and another of his adopted daughters, Moondragon, out to him. Moondragon is revealed to be Drax's very alive daughter. Family will be a recurring motif, with Moondragon choosing between her real father Drax (and his surrogate family the Guardians) or her adopted father Thanos. If Magus is Star-Lord's dad, Peter will undergo a similar arc. By film's end, Magus will be redeemed as Adam Warlock, and he and Moondragon will join the Guardians as their newest members. If Hulk is shot into space at the end of Ultron, the Guardians running into him either as part of the plot or in a credits scene would be a nice twist. 

Thor: Ragnarok (July 28, 2017)- This film is described as wanting to do for Thor what Winter Soldier did to Cap. In that vein, I'd like the Nine Realms to be plunged into destruction, with Surter and Muspelheim the main villains. Loki, as Odin, will betray Asgard to Surter. Sif and the Warriors Three will have more characterization, and the Earth characters won't be involved (maybe a mention at best). Appearances from Hela, Enchantress, Executioner, the Midgard Serpent, and Beta Ray Bill would be awesome, but that sounds like a packed film to me. Ultimately, it should end with Asgard decimated and Thor believed dead. Loki will use the chaos as a distraction to give the Tesseract and Infinity Gauntlet to Thanos. Since Loki's confirmed for Infinity War, I'm guessing Thanos will take Loki with him as his new advisor to replace the Other. 

Black Panther (November 3, 2017)- Again, this all depends on how much T'Challa and Wakanda are involved in the stories of Ultron and Civil War. But if my guesstimates are right, I'd say the film will involve T'Challa trying to go from a prince to king of Wakanda. He will try to defend his nation from Ulysses Klaw, who will try to obtain Vibranium for HYDRA. Man-Ape could also be involved as a collaborator of Klaw's trying to usurp the throne. It would be cool if by the end, T'Challa dissolves Wakanda's monarchy and ends its isolationist policies. He will then leave to join Bucky's anti-reg Avengers team, possibly as co-leader. 

Avengers: Infinity War Part I (May 4, 2018)- The beginning of the end for the MCU. With Captain Marvel and The Inhumans released afterward, I'd say this is the start of a four-part finale to Phase Three, despite Infinity War being a two-parter. In broad strokes, I'd say the Civil War is still going on. Bucky and T'Challa are leading the anti-Reg side, Tony and Pym the Pro-Reg. The Netflix Defenders should definitely be involved this time around. Spider-Man too if it's possible. The main arc of this film is how Thanos roams the galaxy collecting the rest of the Infinity Stones. 

Thanos decimates the Nova Corps to get the Power Stone. He gets the Reality Stone from the Collector and the Time or Soul Stone from the Guardians. Then he makes his way to Earth for Doc Strange's stone and the Mind Stone, currently nestled in Loki's sceptre with one of the Avengers teams. Thanos's arrival forces the two warring teams to stop fighting and agree to a summit to decide what to do. As part of his galactic rampage, Thanos destroys the Kree Empire. Captain Mar'Vehl is mortally wounded and ends up on Earth, meeting Carol Danvers. 

Captain Marvel (July 6, 2018)- Mar'Vehl passes his powers to Carol, who takes up his moniker as Captain Marvel. She is tasked with avenging Mar'Vehl's people, and goes into space to join the surviving Kree forces in a retaliation against Thanos. Thanos is now empowered by the full Infinity Gauntlet, and continues his galactic rampage. It's all part of his grand scheme to appease Death by causing as much destruction as possible. When the battle fails, Carol is told of the existence of a race of human/Kree hybrids on Earth who may help turn the tide. By film's end she heads for the city of Attilan to seek help from these "Inhumans."

Inhumans (November 2, 2018)- Carol arrives at Attilan, while the Twins seek out the city looking for the truth about their powers. They will learn of the Inhumans' origin and meet the royal family, including Crystal, Medusa, and Black Bolt. Crystal will fall for Quicksilver, enraging her fiancee Maximus, who is Black Bolt's brother. Maximus will betray the location of Attilan to the Kree, who hoped Carol would convince the Inhumans to act as soldiers in their war against Thanos. Carol and the Twins help the Inhumans fight the Kree, while Black Bolt fights Maximus. Black Bolt eventually agrees to assist Earth's heroes in fighting Thanos. 

Avengers: Infinity War Part II (May 3, 2019)- Here it is. The big one. The ultimate finale to Phase Three, possibly the MCU in general. Earth's heroes are united under the leadership of Adam Warlock (Hulk, Doc Strange, and the Guardians are drawn in as well). The first assault on Thanos fails. Eventually Cap and Thor join the fight, having been ressurected by one of the cosmic aspects (Maybe Infinity or Eternity) to help fight. Their presence improves the heroes' morale, and they renew their attack. I can see it going like the Infinity Gauntlet comics arc, with Cap being the last hero standing against Thanos and Thanos abandoning his body to merge with the universe. 

Nebula and Loki betray Thanos in a mad scramble to get the gauntlet. Eventually Thanos is defeated and the gauntlet and stones destroyed. The SRA is rendered null and void on Earth, and a new team of Avengers is formed with Bucky, Carol and T'Challa leading the charge, with Tony, Steve, and Thor giving them their blessing. Tony and Steve rebuild SHIELD and co-lead it, while Thor rebuilds Asgard and becomes its new king. This allows the MCU to end on a note of closure but still leave a lot open to do a Phase Four, only with the "new guard" of heroes taking focus off the older Avengers. Further Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Captain America (with Bucky), and Guardians films can follow, possibly with more Iron Man (have Rhodey take over) and Hulk films. Leader and Mandarin need some love, damnit! Also, should Spidey finally come home, this is the opportune time to give him more solo films, only set in the MCU with a rebooted continuity. 

Can It Work? Absolutely. While a lot of what I've outlined is conjecture based on what I know mixed with comics knowledge, Marvel has done a fantastic job seeding their films and shows with concepts that will pay off down the line. Revealing their Phase Three slate was a masterstroke, as we now know the basic plan for the remainder of the MCU. The fact that Marvel has their plan is the first sign that a shared universe can work for them. The second and more telling sign is their focus on expanding the universe through the introduction of more varied characters. We have an African and female hero coming, with more cosmic and earthbound adventures as well. 

The main way a shared universe can work is if audiences care about all or most aspects of this world. The only way to do that is to believe in the characters. Different characters occupying their own parts of the world, in adventures based on different genres (spy thriller, heist film, gritty crime noir, sci-fi, space opera, fantasy, period piece, etc. etc.) ensures longevity, and that each installment offers something new for audiences. As long as Marvel sees the potential in their characters and expands the universe naturally through them, this shared universe can go on forever. 

If anything can hinder them, it's the possibility of genre saturation. Superheroes may be a hot commodity now, but eventually audiences may grow bored of them. Marvel may buck this trend because they realize that their films can reflect different genres, making each film feel different. But even with this, audiences may hate the growing continuity of the films and how they need to follow 20 movies and 5 TV shows to make sense of anything. 

However, Marvel seems really smart about offering films that pay tribute to their continuity while acting as standalone adventures. See Guardians for the best recent example. That's another key element to the success of a shared universe: standalone stories can expand the lore just as much as continuity heavy stories. Films in a shared universe should function as films first and jigsaw pieces second. As the trend setters, Marvel has been around long enough to make mistakes and learn from them while putting a shared universe together. 

They had a few roadblocks in Phase One and early Phase Two, but now seem to have a firm grasp on what makes the concept so appealing and effective. As long as Marvel keeps taking risks on new genres and characters, sticks to their direction, and crafts standalone stories in their expanding narrative, they will continue finding success. Tomorrow I will look at the ever X-panding X-Men universe, and how effective it can be in following Marvel's footsteps. 

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