Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Year Without Roads Part Two: The Future Is Now

I had to go back in time for my retro review of 2014 in film. With my odyssey in the past complete, it's time I came back to the future, to look forward to the wealth of films being released. As I've said before, there's a number of high profile blockbusters coming out, the majority of which are sequels. While there's a very good chance any or all of these films could be terrible, I'm still pumped beyond belief. So without further ado, here are my top 15 hyped films for 2015, with some honorable mentions thrown in as well.

Numbers 15-11: Mildly Hyped

15. The Fantastic Four- So me, the superhero nerd, has the new F4 movie as my least hyped film of 2015. Make no mistake, I am hyping this up. Only I'm doing so very, very cautiously. Things like Michael B. Jordan playing the Human Torch don't bug me (personally I think he'll own the role). Things like making Doctor Doom an angry blogger do (I mean, I get it. Bloggers are petty and hateful. Ha ha. Give me the magic wielding, third person speaking Latverian dictator, you Hollywood assholes). The complete lack of promotion from Fox this late in the game also doesn't inspire any confidence. Marvel's First Family hasn't faired well on film yet, and I don't see how they can this time. BUT, the Four are well casted, and Josh Trank is a proven director after Chronicle. I'll still hype this, just with reservations.

14. Terminator: Genisys- Like F4, the new Terminator film has me cautiously optimistic. Arnold's back? Check. Danaerys Targaryen and the Eleventh Doctor are among the cast? Check. A Star Trek-esque timeline retcon that wipes away T3 and T4? Check and mate. Too bad T1 and T2 have to be wiped away as well. And maybe I'd be fine with that, if the trailer didn't show how they're just planning to take the best elements of the first two films and mix them together. While it's great to see a T-1000 again, I just don't know what to make of this. I see a lot of potential for this to be great, and what I've seen so far hasn't been terrible. I just don't see the logic in tampering with two classic films yet relying solely on their iconography to sell this. I don't want another Star Trek Into Darkness. But the central premise of an older Arnie model raising Sarah Connor is intriguing, so I'll keep an eye out.

13. Furious 7- I don't usually care much for the Fast and Furious series. In fact, as of this writing I've only seen the first four, when a lot of people cite Fast Five and Fast and Furious 6 as the best of the series. But I have paid attention to the francise's comeback, and like that the narrative's finally acknowledged Tokyo Drift (it wasn't the best of the ones I've seen, but it always bugged me the series never really acknowledged it). I put this higher up than F4 and T5 because the trailer does look ridiculously fun. Not only does it make me want to watch the fifth and sixth films, but it makes me want to pay respects to the late Paul Walker. I saw the third and fourth films in theaters, so seeing this wouldn't be much of a stretch. Not terribly excited for it, but I'm hyping it up nonetheless. 

12. Chappie- Here's my take. District 9 was awesome. Elysium was not. But this looks really promising. Shartlo Copey as a childlike robot is a great concept, and Hugh Jackman's inclusion is a good sign. This looks like a much more human affair after the lofty Elysium, and seems to offer a similar brand of sci-fi action and visuals mixed with intelligent subtext that made District 9 so fantastic. I'm definitely looking forward to this, since Neil Blonkmap still has a lot of potential as a director. But I'm also a little nervous that it'll be a huge letdown the way Elysium was. Here's hoping Chappie tugs at the heartstrings and delivers in every way.

11. Tomorrowland- I never thought we'd be getting another film based on a Disney ride. Well, here it's not so much a ride but a mini theme park. Regardless, the reason I'm hyping this so much is the talent backing it. George Clooney and Hugh Laurie, plus Brad Bird as director? That immediately puts this on my radar. While The Iron Giant and The Incredibles proved Bird can do animated sci-fi, the fourth Mission: Impossible showed he can definitely handle live action. Now we have a mysterious little film with a tantalizing first trailer, and it's made me all the more intrigued. At the very least, I'm glad we're getting something in 2015 with jetpacks in it.

Numbers 10-6: Very Hyped

10. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part Two- While part one wasn't fantastic the way Catching Fire was, it was perfectly serviceable from a filmmaking standpoint. I expect the finale to the Hunger Games saga to be fully action packed, and hopefully make some improvements on the weaker aspects of the book. J-Law and company deserve to go out in style, and since I've followed the films from the very beginning, it's only fitting I bid a proper farewell to Katniss Everdeen and the world of Panem.

9. The Good Dinosaur- It is so good to see Pixar making original films again. Granted, their last original effort Brave didn't wow me like I expected. But that doesn't mean Pixar can't bounce back. While we don't have a trailer yet, the film's premise about a dinosaur and his pet human sounds great. Here's hoping the film doesn't make the company extinct (and it better not. I want my Incredibles 2).

8. Inside Out- For the first time in history, we're getting double the Pixar in one year. This film definitely has more potential, given it's about personified emotions controlling the mind of a young girl. The trailers have been fantastic so far, and with such an out-there concept, it seems Pixar is finally taking risks again. Even if Good Dinosaur fails later in the year, should this film fly, Pixar will at least have gained some redemption. I'd love for Joy to be the primary emotion coming out of this, instead of Disgust. But who knows? I may end up liking Disgust better.

7. The Hateful Eight- I think the poster says it all. It's the new film from Quentin Tarantino! And another western, on top of that. Djano Unchained was one of my favorite films of 2012, so another Tarantino western can only be a good thing. This film almost wasn't made after the script was leaked around Hollywood, but Tarantino has decided to move ahead with the film anyway. And boy am I glad he did. Kurt Russel, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth, and Sam Jackson are set to star, with a story about bounty hunters, criminals, and Civil War vets stuck together in a cabin during a blizzard. Such a premise is perfect for Tarantino, and since he has yet to make a technically bad movie (Death Proof nonwithstanding) we should be in for a treat here. 

6. Mad Max: Fury Road- Swapping Braveheart for Bane may seem like an odd choice, but it's still exciting to see Max Rocktanowsky again. The trailer was simply phenomenal, and given the return of the original director and adherence to the aesthetic of the original films, this could be a successful comeback. Whatever the outcome, I can't help but get pumped up for the return of the Road Warrior.

Top Five: Beyond Hyped

5. Spectre- Bond is back! Daniel Craig keeps up his mostly amazing run as the world's greatest spy, and I'll definitely be there to see him take on his classic enemies, the terrorist organization SPECTRE. It also helps we get Christoph Waltz, Drax, and Sherlock's Jim Moriarty as the villains. Skyfall returned Bond to the suave superspy we all know and love, and this film looks to keep that momentum. I can't wait for 007 to grab a shaken (not stirred) martini and get back to work.

4. Ant-Man- Guardians and Avengers proved Marvel can go big, but can they succeed at going small? The recently released teaser trailer showed promise but also seemed off. Is that from bad marketing, or the sign of an inferior final product? Given the troubled production history (still pissed Edgar Wright left) this could very well be Marvel's first real stinker. Then again, people said the same thing about Guardians, and that turned out great. The Ant-Man and Yellowjacket suits look badass, and the father-daughter and heist aspects are new territory for the MCU. Here's hoping the world's smallest hero makes it big.

3. Jurassic World- The original Jurassic Park is a bonafide classic, so it's not too surprising its sequels couldn't measure up. This long gestating fourth installment also had a troubled development history, but everything I've seen so far has been very promising. Complaints about hybrid dinos and trained raptors aside, this looks to capture the original's magic. Plus there's Chris Pratt, so that's got to be worth something. I'm glad life found a way, but I hope the filmmakers knew what they had before they patented it, packaged it, and starting selling it. It'd be a pity if, after careful consideration, I decided not to endorse this one. Okay, I'll stop with the puns.

2. Avengers: Age of Ultron- Holy hell I can't wait for this movie. The promise of Ultron alone is enough to ensure multiple viewings. But Nerd God Joss Whedon isn't content with just that. No, he has to give us Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, the Vision, and the freakin' HULKBUSTER suit too. For a Marvel uber nerd like me, this is simply paradise. Any other year, this would easily be my most hyped film. But to Disney's credit, they found a way to outnerd even Marvel...

1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens- I'm honestly still amazed this film is even happening. All my life I dreamed of this movie, yet never actually thought it'd be made. George Lucas's statement that the story ends after Sith and Jedi seemed pretty final. And yet here we are, a decade later, with this miracle of a film only 11 short months from reality. Director J.J. Abrams is a lifelong fan, and it shows in that amazing trailer he released last November. I'll happily take ten crossguard lightsabers if it means we get a quality Star Wars film again. To paraphrase Fanboys, this movie could very well suck. It could also be the greatest Star Wars film since Empire. But whatever the outcome, it'll be great to return to that galaxy far, far away again. The Force has indeed awakened, and I couldn't be more ready.

Honorable Mentions

1. Kingsman: The Secret Service- The director of Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class doing a full-blown spy movie? With Colin Firth and Sam Jackson?? Count me in. 

2. Mission: Impossible 5- I haven't actually seen Ghost Protocol, but remember hearing really good things about it. Brad Bird may have moved on to Tomorrowland, but with the franchise stronger than ever, there's a good chance the fifth film could be a rip roaring adventure. 

3. Jupiter Ascending- An original sci-fi film from the duo who made The Matrix sounds fun. An original sci-fi film from the duo who made Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions, and Speed Racer does not. But the visuals look good, the premise is interesting, and there's a very good chance this could surprise a lot of people. It isn't really on my radar right now, but it very well could be depending on the reception. 

4. The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water- I grew up with the sponge, and was there for his first film back in 2004. I consider that the last quality adventure for Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward and the gang, but the trailer for this was actually not bad. Maybe it'll signal a return to quality for the series and jokes for both kids and adults. I highly doubt it, but for nostalgia's sake, I may check it out. 

4. Hot Tub Time Machine 2- I enjoyed the first film, and this looks....not sucky. Here's hoping the guys from the original going to the future instead of the past actually heralds some laughs. 

5. Ted 2- Like Hot Tub, it'd be nice if this sequel lived up to the original, but I have my doubts. I hear Mcfarlane dropped the ball with A Million Ways to Die in the West, and all his shows have dropped in quality as of late. Hoping for the best and expecting the worst with this one. 

6. Minions- An origin movie for the insanely popular, one eyed yellow misfits? It'll be great for kids, no doubt. I just don't know if they can succeed on their own without Gru. 

7. Pixels- In a plot taken straight from a Futurama short (I know it's based on a YouTube sketch, just pointing out similarities), slackers must save the world from aliens who attack using arcade game characters. The posters are great, and this does show promise based on story. Peter Dinklage is also involved, which is great. What prevents this from making my "most hyped" list is the presence of Adam Sandler, who hasn't been funny since the early 2000's. Maybe Sandler will redeem himself, but I doubt it. 

8. Crimson Peak- Guillermo Del Toro's next directorial effort, starring Tom Hiddleston, who owns a creepy haunted house. I'm not much of a horror guy, but the actor-director pedigree is enough to "peak" my interest (Get it? Get it? Ok, I'll stop the puns). 

9. The Peanuts Movie- Come on, it's Charlie Brown! My childhood self may demand me to see this, regardless of quality. I can't really pass up a chance to see Snoopy and Woodstock on the big screen, can I?

10. The Martian- Ridley Scott returns to sci-fi with a film about astronaut Matt Damon, who's stranded on Mars. It has the makings of greatness, if not for the fact that Ridley Scott hasn't made a generally good film in years. His last sci-fi effort Prometheus didn't wow me, so we'll see.  

It's unfortunate we've finally gotten to 2015, and there's still a lack of hoverboards. But if these films are even half as good as I hope they are, I can at least feel like I live in a world where we don't need roads. Here's to 2015, and a bright future ahead for movies and nerddom in general. 

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